Michael Andrew personally tutors you in the most important PS techniques. This course will be extremely helpful for beginners and intermediate users who own virtually any version of Photoshop (CC, CS6, CS5, CS4, CS3, CS2, CS, & 7.0) as well as Photoshop Elements.
Michael Andrew is an award winning instructor who has honed his teaching methods to be beginner friendly. Michael's Photoshop Crash Course is fundamentally unique, because he will teach you how to "think" in Photoshop terms which will save you a tremendous amount of time and frustration when getting to learn the system.
Instead of trying to cover every function of every version of Photoshop, Michael focuses on the core tools- allowing you get into the action after just one viewing. This means nearly all of the lessons apply to all versions of Photoshop both new and old, and the lessons are never outdated. Sweet!
If you own Photoshop and aren’t exactly sure why it is such an amazing program…..this is the course for you!
Run time is approximately 6hrs
Included Lessons:
- Introduction / Meet Michael
- Layers
- Elements vs Photoshop
- Album/Scrap Booking Crash Course
- File Formats
- Image of your Minds Eye
- Michael's Quick Tips
- What is a Pixel
- Michael's Photoshop Thinkflow & Examples
- Brightness Adjustments
- Levels Crash Course
- Curves Crash Course
- Core Photoshop Adjustments
- Adjustment Tools
- Filters Crash Course
- Black and White Crash Course
- Selection Tools
- Feathering
- Type Design
- Layer Styles
- Automation Tools
- Layer Masks
- Blending Modes
- Borrowing
- Advanced layer Techniques
- Clipping Masks
- Smart Filters
- Unsharp Mask
- Short Cuts
- Bridge
- Brush Tools
- Digital Cosmetics 1
- Digital Cosmetics 2
- HDR (High Dynamic Range)
- And Much MUCH More!!
Included Bonuses:
- Resolution and Printing
- Digital Greenhouse
- Compression
- Encryption
- Histograms
- How a Pixel Gets its color
What Customers are saying:
- "Michael- I am so impressed by your new Photoshop Crash Course. One week ago I completed an online Photoshop CS4 University Class. Being a type A personality I had a much quicker uptake watching the DVDs the first time versus 14 weeks of text, quizzes and a final exam. I could have saved a lot of money and time had I had my hands on this course 3 months ago! I am so grateful for the RAW, HDR and Cosmetic portions of the DVD. We covered these in the University Online Course, but did not cover the scope or use of the tools as you did. You should be very proud of your hard work! This is exceptional."
- " So I just finished the 2 DVD's... WOW. That doesn't cover it. I was kinda on the fence of trying to decide to order this thing cause I already knew a lot about photoshop, but I was self-taught so I got it... WOW. wow wow wow. Mike I hope you win awards, make money, get Karma, feel the love, any kinda good vibe your way cause this thing is ridiculous. I now understand why it took you so long to finish. It covers so much. Well worth the wait. I was so excited to see you cover painted portraits, HDR etc etc. And the stuff I did know how to do; I now understand WHAT I'm doing. The difference with your stuff (from other tutorials/teaching products/books etc.) from my perspective is, I can tell where your motivation was in making it. It isn't only about making money for you; I can tell that you really put yourself into this thing to help us. You don't hold anything back. Can't say enough. Thanks!
- "I got my photoshop DVD on Saturday and I finished watching the entire thing last night (monday). I have to say it was probably the best money I have spent on anything photography related with the exception of my 40D and photoshop itself. You covered everything so well and everything was done great - you have such a conversational teaching style that breaks difficult things down to my level and now I REALLY GET IT!!! I have had photoshop CS3 for 9 months and have been playing, exploring and trying to book-learn as much as I can during that time. The thing that excites me (you really have no idea how excited I am) is that I was able to learn more in ONE weekend of watching your DVD than in the entire 9 months I have been trying on my own with books! Even my husband who supports my photography mania - but doesn't use photoshop, came in sat down and was really impressed. He said "This is really cool!". and he was learning right along with me! He heard how excited I was when I kept yelling out, "oh my gosh, is it really that simple???" or "I finally get it!" Thank you Thank you Thank you! I recognize and appreciate all of your hard work, and thank you so much! It was worth every penny (and probably a few more than I paid)I hope you take a good break for surely you deserve it!"- Jonni